Clothing      Toys and Games      Crafts      hats      puzzles

          velcro      scarves      games      sewing thread      mittens

          color books      embroidery thread      gloves      story books

          crochet cotton      panty hose      teddy bears      needles

          underclothes      dolls      embroidery hoops      aprons

          stuffed animals      pins      socks      balls      pin cushions

          caps      jump ropes      scissors      jackets      frisbees

          yarn      slippers      toy cars & trucks      plastic canvas

          nightgowns      paint      fabric      blocks      paint kits

          stickers      chalk      small needlework kits

          School Household Personal
          crayons towels shampoo
          glue washcloths combs
          scissors dishcloths brushes
          markers soap hair spray
          pens cooking utensils mirrors
          pencils pot holders lotion
          pencil crayons sheets toothpaste
          art paper pillow cases toothbrushes
          erasers blankets deodorant
          folders calendars powder
          notebooks wall pictures bubble bath
          rulers tools, tape bandaids, etc.
          paint flashlights batteries
          matches facial tissues
          rugs dresser scarves
          photo albums picture frames

          Treats Office and School Supplies

          candy award stickers
          gum crayons
          lifesavers sticky tac
          nuts erasers
          mints chalk
          glue sticks
          computer diskettes
          computer address labels
          construction art paper
          magic markers
          correction fluid
          thumb tacks
          post-it notes
Help with these items is very much appreciated.