Sitting Bull
born 1831? and killed at the Massacre at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, December 15, 1890

Just before daybreak on December 15, 1890, forty-three Indian police surrounded Sitting bull's log cabin. Three miles away a squadron of cavalry waited as a support force if needed. Lieutenant Bull Head, the Indian policeman in charge of the party, found Sitting Bull asleep on the floor. When he was awakened, the chief stared incredulously at Bull Head.

"What do you want here?" he asked.

"You are my prisoner," said Bull Head. "You must go to the agency."

Sitting Bull yawned and sat up. "All right," he replied, "let me put on my clothes and I'll go with you." He asked the policeman to have his horse saddled.

When Bull Head emerged from the cabin with Sitting Bull he found a crowd of Ghost Dancers gathering outside. They outnumbered the police four to one. Catch-the-Bear, one of the dancers (who had an old grievance against Bull Head) moved toward Bull Head. "You think you are going to take him," Catch-the-Bear shouted. "You shall not do it!"

"Come now," Bull Head said quietly to his prisoner, "do not listen to anyone." But Sitting Bull (loudly implored by his followers not to go) held back, making it necessary for Bull Head and Sergeant Red Tomahawk to force him toward his horse.

At this moment, Catch-the-Bear threw off his blanket and brought up a rifle. He fired at Bull Head, wounding him in the side. As Bull Head fell, he tried to shoot his assailant, but the bullet struck Sitting Bull instead. Almost simultaneously, Red Tomahawk shot Sitting Bull through the head and killed him.

                                Red Tomahawk